
What are coastal brown bears?

Coastal brown bears are one of the largest terrestrial carnivores on Earth. The coastal brown bears of Katmai can stand at 3-5 ft at the shoulder and measure 7-10 feet in length. They can weigh up to 800-1200 lbs.They are incredibly adaptable and consume a variety of foods based on what their ecosystem offers. Brown bears also have the largest claws of any bear, growing up to 4-inches long for fishing and foraging.


What makes Katmai National Park unique?

Katmai National Park is part of the Ring of Fire, a geographically unique part of the Circum-Pacific belt of volcanoes surrounding the Pacific Ocean. It is home to the famed Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes and within it lies at least 14 active volcanoes. 

In 1912, the world’s largest volcanic eruption of the twentieth century occurred at Novarupta. Katmai’s ecosystem is complex and abundant, its rugged coastlines, pristine water and dense forests support thousands of species, millions of salmon, and the densest population of brown bears in the world. 

Katmai National Park is also lands that belong to the Alutiiq peoples. The Alutiiq have intimate knowledge of these bountiful lands and waters.

What is the difference between grizzly bears and coastal brown bears??

Grizzly bears and brown bears are the same species (ursus arctos), however grizzly bears (ursus arctos horribilis) are considered to be a subspecies of brown bear. The Coastal brown bears of Katmai National Park have been separated from other grizzly populations in North America for nearly 12,000 years. Coastal brown bears have different diets than grizzly bears in the interior and southern 48 states, who have access to coastal foods like salmon. Bears that inhibit the Kodiak Archipelago are some of the largest brown bears on the planet.


What kinds of bear behaviors will I witness with BEAR Expeditions?

On BEAR Expeditions, there will be opportunities to see different bear behavior. Certain bear behaviors like nursing and grazing on sedge grass are typically seen in the early summer, when bears have left their dens and are highly motivated to eat the high-protein sedge grass. Later in the summer when the salmon begin to return to the rivers, there are opportunities to see bears highly focused on fishing, displaying numerous strategies they have adapted to their fishing. Bears can eat dozens of salmon each day, each salmon packing about 4,000 calories. Towards the fall, as bears prepare for hibernation again, they continue to forage until they return to their dens in the dense Alaskan tundra.

Above all else, bear behavior around bear viewers on BEAR Expeditions is held at a safe distance and environment. Since there's so much abundance of food and land and no hunting in these areas, brown bears are typically not aggressive towards humans and do not care about our presence.


What other wildlife can I see on BEAR Expeditions?

There are other opportunities of seeing different kinds of wildlife on BEAR Expeditions. Most commonly we will encounter eagles and seabirds while out in the field. There are opportunities to see seals, otters, whales, moose, wolves, foxes and other species. All of these sightings depend on the season, weather, and just being at the right place at the right time.


Is it better to stay on the ship than a day trip?

Unlike day travelers who visit Katmai’s inlets for a few hours a day, BEAR Expeditions is able to spend more time out in the field for bear viewing with convenience from our accommodations. Onboard our privately chartered ship, you can enjoy the incredible views where mountains meet the sea and wake up in the early morning to drink coffee and watch the sunrise.

What is your cancellation policy?

Reservations: Verbal, faxed or written reservations will be held for 7 days. A $2000.00 non-refundable deposit per person is required within 7 days to confirm a reservation. Payment in full is required 90 days prior to departure. Substitution of guests is permitted with approval of BEAR Expeditions. If payments are not received at the designated times BEAR Expeditions reserves the right to cancel your reservation, with forfeiture of all monies to date. Trip cancellation insurance is highly suggested.

All payments are non-refundable. All rates and conditions are subject to change. BEAR Expeditions is not responsible for additional airfare, hotel, or additional transportation, extensions, insurance purchases or any other arrangements not made by BEAR Expeditions